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byron bay surf


This website presents a carefully thought out vision for the future of Byron Bay Town Centre that is totally self-sufficient in generating energy, recycling waste and water, returning our excess for community use by co creating with nature and rehabilitating our natural environment as a beautiful place for all people to live, work and play. 

 lmagine zero carbon town centre producing excess energy, with intelligent grey stormwater recycling, sustaînable waste systems,  food security and vibrant community involvement within an abundant natural environment.

The author and many like-minded and concerned locals believe this futuristic master plan could be a model for future holistic coastal development some it may represent an impractical, idealistic folly? ....but then again, it could be a very achievable and desirable possible reality, already quite within our grasp? Read on and judge for yourself.

The Town Plan presented here isnot only feasible,  but makes good economic sense to those who choose to be part of the unique Byron Bay community, and it in fact sets significant example for others to follow.

For  a small population of about 10,000 people to cater for 1,400,000 visitors each year is no small task, and we can only do this by reclaiming our community and reinforcing the assets we are blessed with, because if we lose the uniqueness of Byron to un-thought-out mega development, we lose the very reason for visitors to come here, and we are in danger of finishing up with a homogenised, suburbanised and mundane town,  a "how did it come to this?" result that so many once beautiful coastal places have fallen prey to, through lack of coherent vision.

lf we give to Byron Bay it will return to us tenfold, but those who use the Byron "brand" as a  take-away commodity will only produce the artificial sameness which has no place here.

Byron Bay is an energy centre. Byron Bay draws people through the energy of the land, the energy of the water, the energy of the people. lt is also recognised as healing centre and the meet¡ng place of Cavanbah for the Aboriginal peoples since ancient times.

To heal the earth and people is the first and foremost reason for being here for many, both consciously and unconsciously. This planet gives to us abundance for all our needs, we only have to respect this and accept these gifts.

The report set out in this website is a means of connection to place through community involvement with a local-centric but professional method of analysis, assessment and concepts for the Town Centre as an example of the potential we can generate within our unique community.